💧 Phate (Token Analysis)

Introduction to Phate & its utilities

How to use Phate?

First off, head to the DMs with @combustionalphabot and then go ahead and click on /start.

Once you click on /start, you will get wide access to tools that you can use, however, if you are not holding at least 810,000 (810k) $FIRE, you can only use the "Get Token Info" & "Get Tax Info", with a free trial of 5 usages before having to hold at least 810k $FIRE.

🗄 Get Token Info

To get token info, you can simply paste a token address of the token you'd like to get the data of. And wait a couple of seconds until you receive the data of the token!

⚖️ Get Taxes Info

To get the taxes information of a token, all you have to do is get the token address of the token, and then type in /t (token address) to get the information regarding taxes.

⏰ Minute Alerts (1, 5, 10)

If you've ever wanted to get alerts from tokens pumping over a certain percentage, you can simply join our private channels for access. (This is under construction 🚧)

💨 DexTools Social Media Alerts

DexTools Social Media Alerts will monitor the wallet where token developers send either 0.5 ETH, 3 BNB, or 1300 DEXT for Social Media Verification. As soon as a transaction is detected, if the bot can figure out the Contract Address of the token, then you're good to go with just clicking one button, if not, it will provide the txn and the wallet address of the sender. As this is in beta, the algorithm is not fully set up to go through multiple loads of data to figure out the Token Transfers and so on, however, this is being worked on. You can simply click on the Wallet Address to get redirected, then you can click on "Token Transfers", you can see the newest or multiple transfers being made from one token, that is going to be the token that is verified most certainly.

🌊 Liquidity Alerts

For Liquidity Alerts, you can simply click on the button given at the /start text, to get alerted whenever someone adds additional liquidity to a token!

💎 Influencer Alerts

With Influencer Alerts, you will get alerted before the Influencer makes a post (usually, as Influencers want them upfront mostly) and you will even get to know which caller they've paid!

Last updated